The following ‘fun’ National Specialty related items are currently available for Purchase in The BCSA Store. Due to the proliferation of scammers, we are not posting individual links this year. Just click on the “Shop” button in the upper right hand corner of this page to access The BCSA Store.

  • Parade of Honor Ribbons - you can purchase to celebrate an achievement you and your dog reached this year or to honor a best friend who has crossed The Rainbow Bridge. All Ribbons will be presented in The Founder’s Room on Friday night, immediately following the Part’s Match and just prior to presenting the Top 20 and Owner Handled Invitational Qualifiers and winners.

  • Show off Your Dog Posters - this was a fantastically popular fund raising opportunity at our 2023 National Specialty, so we are brining it back for 2024. If you have a special picture of your best friend you want enlarged into a poster for display during the Specialty Week - and take home with you.

  • Register your Stud Dog for the 2024 Stud Dog Catalog

  • Speaking of Catalogs - you can pre-purchase several catalogs: The Conformation/Rally/Obedience catalog; The Friday Night catalog; The Stud Social Catalog

  • Advertising - you can purchase an advertisement in The Conformation/Rally/Obedience catalog and receive a free catalog with this purchase

  • Judges Education Seminar with Herding Demonstration (Friday, November 1) and Ring Side Mentoring (Saturday, November 2)

  • FOOD! Friday Night Sit Down Buffet in The Founder’s Room while watching The Part’s Match, Parade of Honor recipients, Top 20 and Owner Handled Invitational Qualifiers and winner’s including People’s Choice winners

  • Logo Merchandise