New Applicants for Membership

The following individuals have applied for membership to the BCSA. If you have any comments or concerns you would like to share with the Board about them, please send an email to BCSA Board before the 25th of the month. These applicants will be voted on by the Board on April 1, 2025.

Thank you for your attention.

ApplicantMembership LevelCityStateSponsor
Morgan LittleIndividual/FullMeaderMDLaura K.S. Wright
Kelli BauschIndividual/FullHoytKSJohn Baughman
Donna NoceIndividual/FullBakersfieldCAEllie Cook
Terry EdwardsHouseholdWasillaAKDeanna Smith
Ellen EdwardsHouseholdWasillaAKDeanna Smith

Congratulations to all these Owner Handlers!