Grooming Reservations - Grooming is Sold Out
Grooming Space has been set up on The Store. Exhibitors will be able to go into the Store and select their specific space or spaces. Once sold, a particular space will show as Sold Out and not available for double booking. Please follow this link to select your spot(s) and pay.
As with all store purchases there will be a Convenience Charge of $1.25, so that the total cost is $21.25. If an exhibitor does not wish to pay the Convenience Charge they may send a check in the amount of $20.00 per space to Diana Smith with a list of their top 3 choices. If those choices are gone by the time the check arrives, Diana will work with the exhibitor to find an open spot.
Grooming space purchase via a mailed check will close Wednesday, October 4th. This is a requirement due to travel schedule prior to The National Specialty. All Mailings postmarked by October 4th will be honored. Any mailed check arriving after Wednesday, October 11th will be captured by Mail Hold and destroyed upon return home after The National Specialty.
Any available Open Grooming Space as of Wednesday, November 1st will be sold for $25 a space payable by check or cash to either Co-Chair (Diana Smith or Pam Norman) prior to any equipment being moved into a space.